Oferta de programas on demand (o futuro)
«CelleCast announced this week it has added five new programs to its network of on-demand talk radio programming including: Todd Feinburg Show, Nick Federoff on Gardening, Things Green Garden Minute, and science programs Earth and Sky and Clear Voices for Science.
The service already carries well-known hosts like Dr. Laura, Lou Dobbs, Jon Elliot and Dave Graveline.
Cell Phone users can start with CelleCast’s "Free and Easy" plan which requires registration but no fees. For more features, users can also upgrade to the service’s "Power Plan" for $9.95/month.
You can also listen to programming online at www.cellecast.com. CelleCast was launched in November, 2007. (Corey Deitz)
«How To Listen to a CelleCast
- Dial CelleCast’s universal access number (360-335-6000) or a phone number for a specific show.
- Follow the prompts to listen, with complete control to fast forward, pause, rewind or interact with hosts.Use CelleCast From the Web
- Find a program you want to hear under the "BROWSE PROGRAMS" menu
- Click "LISTEN NOW" from any screen to hear the program
- When logged in, programs can be saved to your playlist for automatic play next time you call.»
Algumas questões que ainda não consegui perceber, porque o site não explica:
- os programas são emitidos em directo? com ouvintes?
- passam primeiro na rádio e depois neste operador? são simulcasting com a rádio?
O programa da dra Laura é emitido «Live links work only between Noon and 3:00pm PST» If there are no stations near you, Dr. Laura can be heard on XM Radio, via your cellphone through Cellecast, or through StreamLink: Ou seja, passa primeiro na rádio e depois é disponibilizado no cellecast, onde tambem pode ser ouvido em directo ou apenas depois, gravado?