A rádio está a ser muito penalizada pela transferência de publicidade
Receitas publicitárias na rádio dos EUA em forte queda
«September was “much uglier than expected”, So says Wachovia analyst Marci Ryvicker on radio’s 7% revenue decline»
A publicidade vai voltar à rádio (eu não acredito...)
«Publicidade na net supera a da rádio» (2009)
«La inversión publicitaria en internet crecerá un 28,2 por ciento este año, mientras que en el resto del mercado lo hará un 3,7, y superará a la emitida por radio en 2008, según un informe presentado por la agencia ZenithOptimedia.
Internet representará cerca del 9 por ciento del total de la inversión publicitará en 2009, según vaticina el estudio de la agencia de medios, en el que se observa que en la actualidad alcanza más del 10 por ciento de la tarta publicitaria en los mercados de Noruega, Suecia y Reino Unido.
Los pronósticos indican que el medio alcanzará este mismo porcentaje en el plazo de dos años en países como Australia, Canadá, Dinamarca, Israel, Japón, Corea del Sur, Taiwán y Estados Unidos.
Actualmente obtiene su mayor índice de participación publicitaria en Reino Unido, donde representará el 16,6 por ciento del total en 2007 y se prevé que llegue al 22,6 en 2009.
(...) En los últimos diez años la inversión publicitaria ha aumentado a una tasa media anual del 5 por ciento, cifra que ascendió hasta el 6,2 por ciento en 2006, gracias a los Juegos Olímpicos de invierno y al Mundial de Fútbol, mientras que crecerá en torno al 5,2 por ciento en 2007. (...)»
fonte: «La publicidad en internet superará a la emitida en radio en 2008», 11/04/07, El Espectador
Mais cedo do que o previsto, pub na net passa a rádio (GB)
«The internet will overtake radio by next year and become the world’s fourth-largest advertising medium, a year earlier than forecast. Global spending on internet advertising increased from $18.7 billion in 2005 to $24.9 billion (£12.6 billion) last year, according to ZenithOptimedia, the media-buying agency. (...)In the Middle East and Eastern Europe, advertising spending is growing faster than in North America and Western Europe, which are “maturing rapidly” as advertising markets, Zenith said. (...) Although spending on traditional media, such as magazines and radio, has been falling in the UK, more than £2 billion was spent on internet advertising in 2006. Online advertising accounts for 11.4 per cent of total advertising revenue in Britain, almost double the global average of 5.8 per cent and above the 7.8 per cent share of advertising expenditure in the US.»
fonte: «Advertising on internet soars as world follows British lead», April 3, 2007, Rebecca O’Connor
A publicidade da rádio vai para a Net
«In the past three years, more than $100 million of radio advertising revenue has disappeared from Greater Media markets. That's according to President & CEO Peter Smyth, who wrote in his monthly newsletter, "These dollars, which were once used to fund ad messages to broad audiences, are being redeployed to the Internet in more personal, one-to-one marketing efforts. Advertisers are rethinking their approach to media marketing and are questioning their media mix." Smyth noted that interactive advertising is growing in excess of 25 percent per year, while radio revenues have been flat to negative for three years. "In the near future, the interactive world will be a larger, yet more diverse advertising medium than radio. What are we as an organization going to do to respond to this trend ...? It is time for us to more clearly define our business."»
fonte: «Smyth Says Let's Redefine Our Business», 12/01/07, RadioWOnline,
Publicidade na net ultrapassa rádio
«Um estudo recente da firma americana de pesquisa de mercado PQMedia apurou que o investimento publicitário em blogues, podcasts e RSS duplicou em 2005 - cifrando-se mesmo assim nuns relativamente reduzidos 16 milhões de euros; mas a firma estima que, até 2010, o investimento publicitário nesses meios chegue aos 620 milhões de euros anuais. Outra firma de pesquisa de mercado, a Zenith Media, estima que em 2005 a quota da Internet no mercado publicitário mundial era de 4,5 por cento; e que em 2008 essa quota chegará aos 6,5 por cento. Ainda segundo a Zenith media, a publicidade na internet irá ultrapassar em volume a publicidade em outdoors; em 2008 irá alcançar a publicidade na rádio».
fonte: «E de onde vem o dinheiro» Publico, 15/4/06, pag 5
Investimento publicitário na internet ultrapassa o da ráadio em 2008
«Spending on Internet ads will overtake billboards and other outdoor advertising next year, and close the gap on radio in 2008, a new report said. The Internet will account for 6.5 percent of all advertising by the year after next, up from an earlier forecast of 6 percent in December, according to global media firm Zenith Optimedia. Online ad spending accounted for 4.5 percent of the global market last year. "We have revised our Internet forecasts upwards once again, as it has continued to exceed expectations," Zenith said. Radio's market share will fall to 7.9 percent in 2008, from 8.5 percent last year. "The Internet is now firmly established as a mainstream advertising medium in developed markets, and in many developing markets too," Zenith said».
fonte: «ONLINE ADS GRAB SHARE», New York Post, By HOLLY M. SANDERS, April 11, 2006