Outras formas de ouvir nova música, para além da rádio (Starbucks)
Diz Fred Jacobs: «Our recent Tech Poll continues to show that while radio is still the primary source for new music for more than half of our respondents, however, there are many other outlets that are playing a role in exposure:

Vem isto a propósito do esforço da cadeia de cafés Starbucks de se ligar à música: «After signing Paul McCartney to launch its new record label, coffee retailer Starbucks is planning to make sure that as many people as possible hear the former Beatle's latest album. The coffee giant will host a worldwide listening party on June 5 for McCartney's new Hear Music-released album, "Memory Almost Full," with more than 10,000 Starbucks stores in 29 countries set to participate in the event by playing the disc for customers all day long.»
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