Transistor kills the radio star?

"Ouvir" e "escutar" com o PPM (e a rádio musical)

Mark Ramsey suscita mais uma questão relevante, a partir de um comentário no seu blogue (a discussão é clássica, mas ganha nova actualidade com o PPM que não mede quem está a ouvir mas o que está sintonizado):

«"PPM," he said, "measures exposure, not 'listening.' The device 'receives' - and we use that as a proxy for the actual person holding the device." Now I will assume that the device is generally in the proximity of a listener as the "reception" is happening (true or not, a far better assumption than the one which says folks carry their paper Arbitron diaries with them wherever they go and fill them out as they listen). This distinction between "listening" and "exposure" is most practically one between "listening" and "hearing." And the consequences for this difference are profound. "Listening" is active. "Hearing" is passive.  "Listening," therefore, is an act of will. "Hearing" can simply happen without desire or intention or interest or preference. "Listening" is emotional. "Hearing" is passionless

Noutro comentário há quem diga que a questão é relevante para a rádio musical e não tanto para a rádio de palavra: «Talk radio follows completely different rules, especially in this case. As we continue to debate how to fix music radio, I think it is important to look at the success of talk radio, their personalities, and why they are thriving»

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