Transistor kills the radio star?

estratégias para as páginas web das rádios

« (...) For many listeners, their favorite radio station Web site is like home—literally, their home page... "...Rocco Macri, president and founder of Promosuite, a software and interactive services provider for radio... says, 'your Web site is an opportunity to build a relationship with listeners. The first thing you need to do is to give them an incentive to give you personal information. The best way to accomplish this is to offer many different entry points. And your best opportunity to get listeners to give you information is the first time they sign up.”

"These entry points include loyal listener clubs, Web site contesting, text messaging alerts, Web site surveys and music testing...

"One of the most common uses of a database is e-mail marketing. Stations also use databases to do online music testing and perceptual studies. Previously, direct marketing was conducted through the mail and was a costly option. With an e-mail database, the cost is much more efficient, if there is cost at all. And you can reach listeners more consistently..."More recently, with Web sites becoming a greater generator of revenue for companies, the database can also help sales teams sell Web site advertising."»

fonte: Radio&Records, via RAIN, «Programming station web sites keeps AM/FM listeners on line», 27/02/07

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