Transistor kills the radio star?

Um guia sobre o DRM

Várias questões abordadas neste texto («A random guide to DRM»); alguns excertos:

«Remember when you used to play deejay with your first radio-cassette player and produce tapes to impress your girlfriend? The music industry does and has expressed concern about the potential for high quality ripping from DAB. Record executives believe it could pose a serious threat to their core business. Most broadcasters address this problem through the desynchronization of the most relevant metadata (i.e. artists' names and song titles). And as all budding teenage deejays know, radio stations still cross-fade songs for the same reason. The music industry has called for more stringent safeguards. »

«A survey by Jupiter Research has found that that more than 60 per cent of European music executives believe that abolishing copy control software would make more people buy the tracks. A study published in the Journal of Political Economy suggests that illegal music downloads have had no noticeable effects on the sale of music.»

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