The six new public purposes for the BBC are sustaining citizenship and civil society; promoting education and learning; stimulating creativity and cultural excellence, including film; reflecting the UK’s nations, regions and communities; bringing the world to the UK and the UK to the world and acting as a "trusted guide" in building a digital Britain. The BBC should offer services that are entertaining and popular, while not being derivative or merely chasing ratings, or making programmes solely to tried and tested formulae. All BBC content should be at least one of the following things - high quality, challenging, original, innovative and engaging. The BBC should invest in new films and support for Britain’s film culture by helping audiences to understand and have access to a wide range of British and international films. Mainstream programmes should portray and celebrate the diversity of cultures and communities across the UK. »(fonte: «At a glance: BBC White Paper», Tuesday, 14 March 2006, 18:46 GMT)
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