Audiências electrónicas mostram mais ouvintes
Eis um estudo que mostra aquilo que já se suspeitava: a mesma rádio, no mesmo período de emissão, terá mais ouvintes, desde que medidos electronicamente (no caso com o PPM):
Metodologia: "A new analysis conducted by Harmelin Media reveals that a change to Arbitron Portable People Meter ratings will result in a dramatic increase in audience reach for commercial schedules typically run on local radio stations. The 2005 study was co-sponsored by WBEB-FM and was made possible by the full participation of all major radio stations in Philadelphia during the Arbitron PPM market trial in 2002 and 2003. The Harmelin analysis used actual client radio schedules run in Philadelphia. Harmelin substituted Arbitron’s PPM radio audience estimates for estimates from the traditional diary-based ratings method." (Harmelin Study Reveals True Reach Of Radio Advertising & Benefits Of PPM, radio Ink, 25/1/06)
«“The Portable People Meter will give radio the visibility it desperately needs among advertisers who are focused on all things electronic and digital,” said Jon Mandel, chairman, MediaCom US and chief global buying officer, MediaCom Worldwide. “Electronic measurement and credibility go hand in hand with the Arbitron Portable People Meter".»
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