Transistor kills the radio star?

3.0.2 O consumo passivo

A necessidade de novos conteúdos

«La innovación técnica de poco sirve si no lleva consigo una mutación de las ofertas  a partir de los cambios en los propios procesos de comunicación. Al final, la innovación técnica llega a la audiencia por las repercusiones en los sonidos y contenidos» (CHerreros, 2007: 11) 

«Algunas legislaciones, como la española, obligan a que la radio digital ofrezca una programación diferente de los canales tradicionales de la misma cadena. Se busca la innovación.» (34) 

A relação dificil entre meios classicos e ciberespaço

«a conotação negativa ou angustiante da apresentação da rede por certos media vem também do facto de, como, sublinhei várias vezes, o ciberespaço ser precisamente uma alternativa aos media de massas clássicos. De facto, ele permite aos indivíduos e aos grupos encontrarem informações que lhes interessam e difundir a sua versão dos factos (incluindo as imagens) sem passar pelos jornalistas intermediários. O ciberespaço encoraja uma troca recíproca e comunitária enquanto os media clássicos utilizam uma comunicação unidireccional na qual os receptores estão isolados uns dos outros. Existe assim uma espécie de antinomia, por oposição de princípio, entre os media e a cibercultura, que explica o reflexo deformado que cada um oferece do outro ao público» Levy, 2000:222

As rádios têm de mudar a oferta de conteúdos

«Rehr's second key point was "playlist variety and format diversity." He said, "We know that in this customizable era, consumers are becoming more selective and protective of their choices. People want new, unique content. They want niche channels. And radio must respond." He said HD Radio offers "immense opportunities" to do that, and pointed to automaker deals and new technology that lets stations upgrade to HD at a lower cost.» Rehr: 'We Must Reignite The Passion' For Radio», Radio Ink, 28/6/08

Estarb na net apenas por marketing

«Sin embargo, con independencia de todas las ventajas que ofrece la Red, las emisoras de radio deciden su presencia en Internet como una cuestión de prestigio, de marca, de imagen, para de este modo, mantener su credibilidad como empresa» (Peñafiel, 2007: 35)

Novos conteúdos, nova programação

«La nueva radio si quiere triunfar no podrá ofrecer más de lo mismo, la audiencia no cambiará de dial si no hay productos radiofónicos con ingenio y talento. Frente a las emisoras convencionales que se mueven bajo los parámetros ya señalados, la nueva rado digital para que se desarrolle, entre otras cuestiones, se tiene que popularizar y convertirse en un medio mayoritario, para eso necesita un empuje en los contenidos y habrá de rediseñar una programación especializada y basada en nuevos formatos» (Peñafiel, 2007: 31)

Os desafios que a interactividade (digitalização) cria aos meios clássicos

«Aprovechando todas las posibilidades que nos ofrece la Red y teniendo en cuenta la interactividad de los medios multimedia, sería preciso aumentar los espacios de participación ciudadana y consulta, creando áreas en la redacción radiofónica para dar respuesta a los gustos de su potencial audiencia y contactar con los receptores de mensajes. En este sentido, los profesionales de la radio deberán hacer un gran esfuerzo para llegar a conocer los usos y hábitos de su audiencia y las expectativas tanto informativas como de entretenimiento, culturales, etc. con el fin de dar un adecuado servicio» (Peñafiel, 2007: 26)

As possibilidades do podcasting

«Una de las ventajas del podcasting es la de poder escuchar muchas noticias, resúmenes o charlas sobre un tema específico, mientras trabajas. Sea en el trabajo, en el metro o en la cama, el podcasting permite recibir (en lugar de buscar) los programas favoritos, para crear una «radio a la carta» y escucharlos cuando se quiera. Pero, quizás, lo que más marca la diferencia a respecto a las radios tradicionales, limitadas por el espectro disponible y la concesión de licencias, es que pone la emisión al alcance de todos» (Penafiel, 2007: 27-28)

(3.0 int) A rádio foi o meio que menos sofreu com o aparecimento da net?

(reforça a ideia de que a rádio foi o meio que mais tarde reagiu à chegada da net, que mais tempo se manteve igual ao passado)

«El medio radiofónico ha sido el que menos impacto ha sufrido tras la aparición de Internet, ya que se puede acceder a multitud de emisoras desde cualquier lugar, con menos problemas técnicos de potencia y frecuencia que los que existen ahora» (Peñafiel, 2007: 23) 

Uma nova rádio mas não uma nova forma de fazer rádio (e de ouvir?)

«Sin temor a equivocamos, podemos decir que el futuro de la radio pasa obligatoriamente por la digitalización, aunque no haya una fecha clave que determine el final de la migración tecnológica, como sí sucede en el caso de la televisión (...) pero lo que sí podemos afirmar es que contaremos a corto plazo con una nueva radio, desde el punto de vista tecnológico pero, no tanto con una nueva forma de hacer radio, dado que esta nueva radio aún no ha ofrecido alternativas de programación. (...) De momento, las cadenas de radiodifusión que emiten en digital casi todas vuelcan la programación hertziana en el sistema digital y a penas se explotan todas las posibilidades de la radio digital, que no se limita sólo a textos sonoros sino que se pueden empaquetar otros contenidos: los servicios de valor añadido, datos, imágenes, gráficos y vídeos, que modificarían el tradicional modede comunlcaclon» (Peñafiel, 2007: 23)

«se personaliza el consumo y la audiencia pasa a ser mucho más activa de lo que era hasta ahora. Con este nuevo panorama, la audiencia sale ganando en la medida que escucha aquello que más le interesa dentro de la oferta programática, por tanto, habrá que rediseñar una programación especializada y basada en nuevos formatos» (Peñafiel, 2007: 35) 

A rádio não quer perder o comboio das novas tecnologias?

«La radio sigue manteniendo una fuerte vitalidad en la sociedad actual y ha demostrado, en estos últimos años, que no quiere perder el tren de las nuevas tecnologías. Un recorrido de ida en el que la radio ha querido apuntarse a la digitalización de los sistemas en un perIodo de grandes innovaciones, en la era de la convergencia y en la era de Internet» (Peñafiel, 2007: 19)

A dificil adaptação da rádio ao novo ambiente digital

«Durante esta última década el proceso de digitalización ha estado rodeado de problemas, incertidumbres y de muchas expectativas. Principalmente, radiodifusores públicos y privados, operadores de redes, fabricantes de emisores y receptores tratan de impulsar el nuevo modelo de radio digital en un entorno en el que pocos oyentes han oído hablar de él; en el que los radiodifusores se esfuerzan muy poco para crear contenidos específicos; y en el que los fabricantes de equipos no se lanzan porque no ven la madurez del mercado (Peñafiel, 2007: 12).

«La gran mayoría de las empresas radiofónicas españolas, mayoritariamente, utilizan Internet como complemento a sus transmisiones hertzianas, como un servicio de valor añadido hacia sus oyentes o como un medio para contactar con su audiencia y, así, obtener información o facilitar su participación, pero sin valorar las propiedades de la Red como medio de comunicación, válido para difundir contenidos periodísticos» (Peãnfiel, 2007: 25) 

iPlayer da BBC, a nova fase

BBC Radio gets iPlayer treatment
The beta version of the new-look BBC iPlayer has been released today, and now fully integrates radio and television in one interface.The extra good news is that the BBC has confirmed audio on demand and streaming will become available - meaning it is only a matter of time before live BBC Radio stations are available to mobile users such as those with Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch

Desligar o analógico (GB)

«A long-term plan should be developed to move all radio services over to digital, an interim report recommends - and migration of most content could be completed by 2020. The Digital Radio Working Group (DRWG) believes that traditional radio business models will be unable indefinitely to support increased costs of broadcasting on both analogue and multiple digital platforms. The group recommended switching all national, regional and large local stations to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), with FM continuing to be used by small local and community radio stations. Its initial assessment was that migration could be completed by 2020. (...) Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said radio must have a digital future, insisting: "Millions of people are already enjoying the benefits of digital radio. I believe that radio must have a digital future if it is to remain relevant." » Fonte: Radio services 'must be digital', The Press Association, 24/06/08

5.2 «O microfone não se abre à participação do ouvinte»

Prata concluiu, no seu estudo de 30 webradios brasileiras, aquilo que Campos e Pestano (2004) já concluiram com uma amostra de webradios brasileiras: que nestas rádios há multiplas formas de participação mas que o microfone não se abre à participação do ouvinte.

Se ao nível do consumo activo isso dificilmente acontecerá - e não é apenas por razões tecnicas, que podem ser sempre ultrapassadas - pela necessidade de mediação e arrumação 'plástica' desse caos sonoro, já ao nivel do consumo passivo-activo, como diz Prata, não é uma realidade, mas uma possibilidade (120). A mesma autora admite que «De posse do microfone, o ouvinte talvez pudesse criar novos conteúdos e novas maneiras de se fazer rádio» (207)

Caso contrário, teremos apenas aquilo que GIlda Chaves descreve como «uma comunicação falada pelas pontas dos dedos» (apud Prata, 2008: 17)

O futuro passa por aqui: uma rádio que permite playlists a gosto do ouvinte

«Norfolk-VA Beach has launched a new programming strategy which lets listeners pick the tunes, hoping to perhaps mimic the customization of online radio.Rather than request a single song, listeners head online and choose a list of songs from the station’s database to create an up to 20-track playlist, which then may be played in its entirety by the station on-air. While the stations’ alternative rock database is lacking in some areas — hosting just one track from some artists and only the well-known singles from most others — adding and ordering tracks is easy through a simple column-based interface. Users can manage their previous playlists and create as many as they want, but no feedback comes after submission as to when a playlist will be aired. Are the playlists played in order of submission, or is there still someone at MAX-FM’s end picking and choosing? In any case, our RAIN playlist (including the Smashing Pumpkins’ “Cherub Rock” and Led Zeppelin’s “Misty Mountain Hop”) hadn’t aired by the time of publication. The system is currently in Beta, and 100.5 MAX-FM hopes to implement playlist commenting and voting, as well as music sampling and purchasing soon. — MS; RAIN Analysis: While the idea of “all-request” radio is compelling, the execution would seem doomed. First, “100.5 MAX-FM serves well over 100,000 weekly listeners,” but at, say, 90 min. per 20-song playlist, only has enough time to play 112 playlists per week! This leaves 99,888 listeners with a non-interactive, traditional FM. Although it’s great show-biz! — KH» fonte: «RAIN 6/16: RAIN Site of the Week: WXXM brings web-like customization to FM» Jun 16, 10:43 AM Paul Maloney

A rádio como fonte privilegiada para a nova música

«In the midst of this musicFIRST fiasco, radio's role in breaking music and artists continues to be minimized.  Of course to those of us in radio, this nearly "1984" spin about the truth is mind-boggling.

But now, consumers weigh in on the topic.  A new Pew study - "The Internet and Consumer Choices" - reveals what radio people have known since Alan Freed.

Here is a sample from the Pew report:

- The Internet is a great tool for connecting consumers with artists and music info, "But it doesn't strongly influence how they buy."

- 56% of music buyers say they find out about music through online sources (a band's website or streaming samples of songs).  But more than half of music buyers say that online information had no impact at all on their purchasing decision.

- Yet, 83% of music buyers say they find out about music "from hearing a song on the radio."

So, it makes you wonder why the marketing "strategies" on the label side continue to veer away from broadcast radio.  An artist interview on a satellite radio may not reach any more listeners than the cume of a Boise radio station, but that's what excites them.

This is more proof that radio is still the prime source of how consumers discover music.  Too bad the music business isn't doing research, and instead is letting their anger and emotions dictate policy decisions.»

fonte: JACOBS; fred, Music discovery, 16/06/08

Experiências falham; riscos da transitoriedade

«UBC Media Group plc (“UBC” or “the Company”) has today announced the closure of the loss-making mobile phone version of its Cliq music downloading service and will instead concentrate on providing a business-to-business solution to manufacturers of connected devices, including Wi-Fi digital radios like Imagination Technologies, with whom it has an existing relationship. (...) Commenting on the closure of the Cliq mobile service, Chief Executive Simon Cole said: “I remain convinced that transactional revenues will be an important part of the radio industry in the future.   For a variety of reasons, including the delay by manufacturers in bringing DAB connected devices to market, we have tried to lead this process in the interim on the JAVA mobile phone platform and have not succeeded.  However, the technology, intellectual property and pending patents that we have developed during this process remain within the business.   We believe we can exploit these without the need for the high risk, high cost exposure to a consumer service “»

«A “BUY” button on a car or kitchen radio would be a much bigger proposition. Much more listening takes place on these, leading to more purchases… But these devices, to date, haven’t been equiped to communicate with music stores online. This is what UBC will be working on in future, it seems. On PCs the biggest problem is the competition from “free”. On mobile phones you’ve got DRM issues and data transfer costs. UBC could have hung on until they'd sorted out DRM-free deals with the majors, and Virgin Media had threatened illegal downloaders to within an inch of their second-lives... but hanging on costs money.» (Cliq - R.I.P.)

«Sorry to hear UBC have shut-down their mobile phone music download service Cliq. I believe Simon, Pascal and the guys at UBC have the right idea but perhaps they’re pursuing it on the wrong platform. Yes mobile phones are ubiquitous but they are essentially communication devices. You’ll use your phone to take some pictures or listen to some music but it’s dominant use is to communicate with phone calls and text. RAJAR shows the amount of people who have ever listened to radio on a mobile phone is just over 10%. They don’t break out how many people have done so in the past week. They don’t include mobile phone usage in digital listening weekly reach. They probably don’t like having to compute really small numbers! Radio on the other hand is specifically a media consumption device.  Better yet, it’s an audio media consumption device. If we could work a way of people consuming even more audio using their radio, be that buying music or otherwise, the relevancy of the device and the data transmission capabilities of DAB are a perfect marriage. Think about it.»

«The fact that the music was encrypted with DRM, meaning that I had a limited number of devices to playback the music was the main reason, but the £1.25 price point is unattractive when iTunes is selling the same songs for 79p. That's a 58% premium! I believe that un-encrypted downloads are the only longterm solution that's going to be accepted by the public. We're already seeing that with iTunes beginning to unlock some of its inventory. is already up and running selling mp3s in the UK, with EMI the first of the big four record companies working with them. Amazon has announced it'll be selling downloads later this year, and it'll undoubtedly have done deals with all the majors, and Napster in the US has gone down the mp3 route for its sold tracks (subscriptions obviously work differently).»

«Cliq was originally a service using DAB data to let you buy any song you heard on any participating radio station. It was rather clever, though for the life of me I couldn’t work out how to earn any money out of it. Then, it became a service using a Java client for mobile phones, again, allowing you to download any song you heard on a participating radio station. This was rather clever too: less technically clever than the DAB version, but slightly easier to earn revenue from. UBC have called it a day, pulled the plug, and Cliq will henceforth be a business-to-business service for broadcasters and manufacturers alike. (...) There is clearly a market for something that, when you hit a button, buys the song you’re listening to. Radio remains the main way that people discover new music; it’s only natural that it retails it.»

Rádio (via streaming) chega ao iPhone

«Now the new AOL-CBS tag team is joining forces with Apple and the popular iPhone. AOL Radio for the iPhone will give users immediate, free access to over 200 stations, including CBS Radio stations around the country. WFAN/New York, 1010 WINS/New York, KROQ/Los Angeles and WXRT/Chicago are among the many CBS stations available now via AOL Radio.

«Mesmo na net, a rádio é local»?????

«Even on the Web, radio is local»

Quando a rádio me avisar da música que vai tocar

Parece utopia, nesta altura, mas não vai demorar muito até que, a partir de uma base de ouvintes registados (ou de uma comunidade social...), e perante artistas, géneros ou mesmo músicas em concreto, cada um de nós possa ser avisado da música que vai tocar daqui a 10 minutos; aquela que me interessa... para eu ir ouvir. (por email, por SMS, etc)

Menos utopico: essa musica ficar disponivel para streaming durante «x» tempo, (podcast?) ou (com 24 horas de antecendencia?) ser anunciada a lista das musicas que vão passar; Um google alert para as musicas que me interessam? Se aparece nessa lista de anuncio, posso receber um google alert a dizer que determinada rádio no Japão a vai passar; isto tanto é válido para as musicas muito conhecidas como - E SE CALHAR SOBRETUDO - para as da cauda longa, aquelas que se ouvem raramente. O google alert é/será a forma (uma das formas) de controlar a escolha (demasiadas opções). Escolha e controlo são coisas diferentes. ter os conteudos (a música, as vozes, a criatividade etc) é importante, mas mais importante será pegar nesses conteudos, organiza-los, e disponibiliza-los aos ouvintes de uma forma acessível.