Transistor kills the radio star?

A participação do público encerra riscos

Los oyentes quieren escuchar con frecuencia las canciones que les gustan. Si ponemos las preferidas demasiado poco los oyentes no las oirán con tanta frecuencia como para suponer que las vamos a emitir de nuevo. Esto no anima a una escucha prolongada y frecuente. Por otro lado, si se ponen las canciones con excesiva frecuencia, quizá les parezcan repetitivas y les haga desconectar muy rápidamente, acortándose así los espacios de escucha” (Norberg, 1998: 82)

Como se faz uma play list

February 4, 2006

“Every week GWR speaks by telephone to hundreds of people, aged om 20 to 34, about their musical tastes. Each respondent is asked to identify their current musical preferences from a shortlist of musical ‘clusters’, and then asked for their opinions on a list of current songs. The learning from this ongoing research helps in the construction of our group playlists” (informação oficial do grupo GWR [em Maio de 2005 o GWR fundiu-se com a Capital Radio e deram origem ao grupo GCap Media], apud Fleming, 2002: 16/17).

“The playlist determines what will be played, and how often it will be played. (…) In any event the selection of music is not down to personal taste but is a professional judgement that takes into account a variety of factors including the station’s target audience, how appropriate a particular track is to certain times of the day, and often whether or not it has ’scored’ well in audience research” (Fleming, 2002, 54)

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