Transistor kills the radio star?

Se a rádio tiver bons conteúdos, não é melhor do que um despertador?

«Well, we're now seeing evidence in our newest Tech Poll that the old bedside clock radio may rapidly become an endangered species.  When we asked our more than 27,000 cell phone owners what they do with these devices - other than talk - the third most-used feature was the built-in alarm.  In fact, more than half (55%) say they use the alarm feature, and that spells trouble for radio.  It means that a sizable percentage of consumers aren't waking up to Ryan Seacrest or Elvis Duran because they're being roused by their cell phones.


It all spells trouble for a medium that was once ubiquitous, but is now being challenged by new devices and gadgets.  As we've also seen in our Tech Poll (and countless other studies), the iPod has usurped the Walkman.  And they're now finding their way into cars.  Of the growing percentage of radio listeners who now own one of these portable mp3 players, more than half say they can plug them into their cars and trucks.  And that percentage will grow every year as the automobile companies step up, and update their electronics»

fonte: FRED JACOBS; « It's Alarming» Jacobsblog, 15/07/08 [


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