Transistor kills the radio star?

O que deve fazer a indústria? (intro)

(este não é nem pode ser um espaço de recomendações ou mesmo de análise do que pode fazer a industria; há muitas coisas que escapam ao âmbito deste estudo; um exemplo:)

«What Should You Be Doing Now?
Create a new level of client intimacy. Be generous with your time and your ideas. Show clients step-by-step plans to grow market share.
2. Increase internal sales training. Teach critical principals to your sales team until they can do them in their sleep.
3. Focus on the creative message of the client. Increased frequency won't make as much difference as a strong message.
4. Practice what you preach. Increase your station visibility in the marketplace to your audience AND your advertisers. Give clients good reason to have you on their short list of places to advertise.
5. Create more product offerings. Seek new and fresh products to create interest from clients previously not engaged.
6. Set up client training retreats. Bring in outside experts to teach them how to grow their business now.
7. Be different. What can you do to be undeniable?
8. Do the math. More sales calls equal more sales. Increase activity.
9. Increase the size of your sales organization. More sellers make more sales.
10. Increase management involvement. Get out from behind the desk and out on sales calls. Your expertise is valuable to clients.
11. Increase learning. Read more, study more, train more.»
Eric Rhoads, Expecting The Unexpected: Recession Strategies For Radio Radio Ink, April 15, 2008


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