Transistor kills the radio star?

Um iPod com 500 mil músicas pode ser uma oportunidade?

Jerry del colliano acha que sim:

«But what if -- while technology is feeding the growth of the next super-iPods -- radio broadcasters increase their playlists on their terrestrial stations and streams.
What if -- instead of receiving only the iTunes Tuesday new music email, WXXX or KXXX sends me all the new music in their genre. I can click and listen. I can buy (it might be so convenient I'd actually pay). I can get lots of info about the band, the singer, the inside story.
What if -- instead of trying to get young people to listen to streaming radio on their cell phones (isn't going to happen), they get in the business of -- dare I say it -- Helping young consumers to load their content on Apple's 500,000 song iPod when it arrives.
There's no time to waste.
Instead of cursing the dark. Light a fire.
The best thing that can happen for the radio industry -- the greatest entertainment content providers in the world -- is to have a new MP3 player on the market that stores a half million songs or 3,500 movies.
See what I mean?
This is an opportunity to form another stream of income. A good one.» The 500,000 Song iPod 15/04/08

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