Transistor kills the radio star?

Os jovens e o telemóvel

«Of all the devices that Bedroomers discuss, the mobile phone emerges as the most revered, the most valued, and the most essential. Respondents were all prescreened for mobile phone ownership, and most use these devices with great frequency and passion. Clearly, they use their phones to do many functions beyond speaking to others, and in this context, texting often leads the way.

5. For most Bedroomers, the mobile phone is the Swiss Army knife of devices, serving simultaneously as a lifeline, fashion statement, photo album, and status symbol, that allows them to express their own unique personalities. Whether it’s the model of the phone itself, its color, customized phone cases, ringtones, wallpaper, or other attributes, the mobile phone is a device they’ve mastered. It also is a device that has cross-gender appeal. Down the road, they expect even more from mobile phone technology, and many are planning for their next device. There is acknowledgement that the future will be shaped by mobile phone improvements— greater portability, smaller size, and extensive integration. Many essentially describe the iPhone, before it came out. Video is also a desired future mobile phone feature, including improved cameras. And content creation is part of the mobile phone wave, as some respondents use these portable devices to interface with social networking sites.

6. Many are “cell phone only,” and these Bedroomers openly question why they need both a landline and mobile phone. While a number live in homes that have landlines, they are often quick to point out that these traditional phones are used by others in the household. Many associate landlines with their parents, and indicate they do not personally interact with these phones. Clearly, this cell-phone-only situation among this demographic, in particular, is a tough challenge for researchers. (More on this in the research section of this executive summary.)»

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