Transistor kills the radio star?

Rhapsody alia-se ao Facebook

«Rhapsody, the music service, just introduced its Facebook application. It’s easy to skip past this, because everybody has a Facebook app these days. But it’s worth a look because the experience shows that an application on Facebook can have much more usefulness than Zombies and SuperPoke. Rhapsody isn’t changing its economic model for Facebook. It lets users stream up to 25 songs a month on their computers free. People who want to listen to more music or download tracks to portable devices have to pay $10 to $15 a month. (I think the 25-free-song limit is silly, but that’s not what I’m writing about today.) What’s important is how integrating with Facebook makes some key aspects of using Rhapsody and connecting to friends easier. Once you log onto Facebook, you don’t have to log on separately to Rhapsody or load any other software.» (fonte: Beyond Sheep-Throwing: Rhapsody on Facebook, By Saul Hansell,  17/12/07, NYT)

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