Sobre o Jango (the next big thing... in social music)
«(...)I recently found a service that satisfies what was lacking for me in LastFM: Jango. Less feature-rich than Last.FM (I didn’t need all those features anyway), Jango is instant gratification from the moment you visit the site. You can start listening to songs in their entirety immediately, without even signing up. Not having to sign up hooked me into trying it out, and I’ve been using it daily ever since. You simply type in an artist, and a song starts playing.
A huge advantage of Jango is that you don’t have to own any music to get a great experience. If you don’t have iTunes, it doesn’t matter – the music is just there for the listening and with nothing to download. And since it’s all web-based, you can use it on any computer, not just your own.

Jango's personalized stations
The music matching system on Jango is okay, but it could use some work. For instance, it seems to think because I like Steely Dan and James Taylor, I’ll also like the Beach Boys. No. And while I am a frequent listener of Mary J. Blige, I want R. Kelly out of the mix. Unfortunately, even though I click on the sad face to tell Jango never to play the offending song again, “Trapped in the Closet” continues to haunt me.» (fonte: «Last.FM, Jango, Pandora Trounce Music Discovery via Radio», 29/12/07
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