Transistor kills the radio star?

Um estudo de 2000 com jovens dos 12 aos 24 anos (EUA)

«Why is this important when all anyone cares about is 25-54? These are the years when media habits and loyalties are formed; These are the years when music becomes so much more important to most; These are the years when radio usage typically increases dramatically; All will eventually turn 25


-12-24 are the years when people dramatically increase their radio listening. The evidence suggests that this current cohort of 12-24s are not increasing by nearly as much as previous groups

fonte: Radio's Future:Today's 12 to 24 year-olds, Junho 2002;  How the survey was conducted:729 Total Interviews Ages 12-24 Interviews Conducted 5/26 - 6/8, 2000

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