Transistor kills the radio star?

As consequências do multitasking

«Media buyers and planners have known for years that consumers often use the internet simultaneously with other media, especially young people who have grown up with the web. But these days an overwhelming majority of adults are doing it, even older ones, which makes integrating on- and offline ad campaigns increasingly important. According to a new study from Burst Media, the online ad network and technology company, 82.4 percent of respondents admit that while online they are typically consuming some other form of media, taking part in another activity, or using some other electronic device in additional to their computer. That includes 75 percent of respondents 55 and over. The most frequent offline activity respondents engaged in was TV watching, at 58.3 percent, followed by job-related activities, reading a book, reading a magazine or newspaper, or talking on a cell phone. One result, the survey revealed, and one with major implications for media buyers, is a dramatic decline in television viewing. Some 42 percent reported watching less TV today than they did a year ago. David Cooperstein, chief marketing officer at Burst Media, talks to Media Life about why women multitask more, how advertisers can engage these multitaskers, and why the web is affecting TV viewing.

What does the increase in media multi-tasking mean for marketers?
It means that marketers need to think about the multiple places their ads appear and synchronizing those ads to maximize the brand impression they are trying to create. That does not mean showing the same ad in both places, but optimizing the message for the individual medium and for the potential crossover with creative, activities, and calls to action that are most relevant in each area.    

(...) Many respondents, especially those 18-24, indicate they watched less TV now than they did a year ago. What's contributing to that decline, and do you see it reversing?
The decline can be due to the quality of entertainment, the growing use of mobile, and greater broadband penetration. But I don’t think it is merely one of those trends that dominates.»

fonte: «Reaching the new media supertaskers», Media Life Magazine, Nov 8, 2007

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