Transistor kills the radio star?

Cenários para o futuro

«In a sense there are elements of all five Ala-Fossi’s digital radio scenarios in my read of the future (Ala-Fossi 2005). Given the premise that digital radio will be multi-platform, available on a number of different digital platforms, it is extremely likely that ten years from now we will still be using analogue FM radio in junction with a range of digital solutions: digital terrestrial, satellite and Internet. We will continue in that time period to see different developments within national and geographical landmasses depending on the stability and needs of the radio and media markets and societies in those areas. So there will be digital diversity operating in a multimedia market with people receiving radio through a range of functions from radio sets to digital TVs to multi-media mobile devices.  But the driving force will be mobility and the ability to meet the ‘my media’ culture for on demand content which is personally shaped or selected rather than mass produced. (Shaw, 2005: 18)

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