Transistor kills the radio star?

Outras formas de os musicos se promoverem

A internet oferece uma panóplia de oportunidades para os músicos se promoverem, encontrando os seus fãs muito mais facil e eficazmente do que através da rádio.

A existência de páginas que recriam/constroem uma realidade virtual é mais um contributo: o Second Life ou o Habbo Hotel são disso exemplos. O Habbo Hotel, «a 3D online world popular with teens which is being targeted by record companies desperate to find new ways to reach this crucial audience. Next month U2 will become the biggest band yet to insert themselves into this virtual world, with cartoon-like representations of Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr appearing within the game to host a pub quiz and promote their new album. In the UK, more than 800,000 users regularly meet in the sprawling virtual hotel to chat, play games, decorate their rooms and hang out in a variety of locations from pizza joints to swimming pools and nightclubs to burger bars. Globally, more than 66m Habbo characters have been created, there are communities in 29 countries across five continents, and it now has 7 million unique users a month. When they sign up, new users, typically aged between 11 and 18, create their own digitised versions of themselves and are then free to roam around and interact with others online at the same time

fonte: «Pop music moguls home in on the hotel with 66 million guests», Guardian Unlimited, 21/11/06

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