Transistor kills the radio star?

Porque é que não olham para o que querem os consumidores»? (Richard Laermer)

(o que a rádio convencional faz - OU NÃO FAZ - para se aproximar dos ouvintes, na actualidade)

MARK RAMSEY: «I’m always surprised, Richard, that in Radio, for example, folks will go out of their way to go to a radio convention, but will rarely attend any gathering focused on new media, when that is the industry Radio is now a part of.

Well, people don’t think about what their customers do. They think about their own industry, but they don’t think like their customers.

Radio stations are doing less research today, not more. Why is that? That drives me crazy. Why aren’t they looking at what their customers want out of their own lives, you know?

Just because your station has listeners doesn’t mean you’re connecting to them. In the book I talk about auditing and how you can find your listeners, users, or whatever, and get to know them. I mean it’s so easy to do that now. And I mean real audits – ask the hard questions, like “Why do you hate us?”» RAMSEY, Mark, Radio Trendspotting - an interview with marketing guru Richard Laermer», Hear2.0, 6/06/08

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