Transistor kills the radio star?

Se os jovens são criativos, os conteúdos terão de ser diferentes

«Reaching this mobil generation through marketing has become a challenge and building relationships with them is the key whether the product is an energy drink or media. Some of the keys to unlocking access to this generation are: Creativity - New generations are considered "digital natives"; text and graphics are a bigger part of their digital world than even audio and video content. Marketing/Advertising will need to evolve so that it can deliver dozens of targeted creatives instead of a few "one size fits all" commercials.

Language - Gen-Y uses instant messaging (IMing) as their primary communication choice. Email is no longer a factor for this life group - it's just too impersonal and not immediate enough. Language of abbreviations and slang fill their text messages. Marketers must learn this language and use it to communicate.

Content - Developers of media content are ignoring the interests of this generation and they cannot understand why. News, for example, is commonly believed to be of little or no interest to Gen Y, but to hear members of this life group tell it, there is nothing further from the truth. More realistically, Gen Y is bored with the same old presentation and news stories that don't cater to their tastes.»

«’Gen-Y’ Media Use & Attrition», Bridge Ratings, 14/03/07 

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