Transistor kills the radio star?

A Internet pode ajudar a rádio musical (convencional)?

«(...) Pandora is certainly a viable brand that some terrestrial broadcaster should take advantage of. (You could also see some less interactive version being one of the things that might actually drive listeners to an HD-2 channel.) (...) With the two major groups [CC e CBS] locking down two of the major Webcasters [Pandora e LastFM], what are other broadcasters doing along similar lines? What implications do these or other Webcaster tie-ups have for broadcasters' HD-2 multicast channels, particularly in light of recent years' proof that it's not as easy to create this type of content as broadcasters thought? Is there a way to use Pandora or to reinforce radio's strong, but eroding authority in the music discovery area? "Here's a new song that you helped us discover through" has potential cachet on the air. "Here's a song that tested well in a similar market" does not.» fonte: Surprise! The Majors Discover Discovery, May. 13, 2008  Sean Ross, The Inifinite Dial



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