Transistor kills the radio star?

Estudar o conceito de interactividade

«The concept of interactivity has been the topic of considerable study, particularly regarding the Internet and multimedia (for example, van Dijk and de Vas 2001; Hanssen, Jankowski and Etienne 1996; Jensen 1999; McMillan and Downes 2000; Rafaeli 1988). Regarding web radio, Lind, Medoff and Rarick (2001) suggest that one of the factors for visiting web radio stations is the possibility of interaction with others. Other factors they mention include enhanced reception, the passing of time, information acquisition and entertainment.

A general description of interactivity has been proposed by Rafaeli and Sudweeks (1997) as 'a process-related, variable characteristic of communication settings. Like face-to-face ommunication, computer-mediated communication has the capacity of enabling high interactivity. One postulated outcome of interactivity is engagement'. Jensen (1999) has extended this description to a typology of communication patterns and has applied it to forms of Internet communication. He builds on the four information traffic patterns identified by Bordewijk and van Kaam (1982): transmission, consultation, registration and conversation» (van Selm et al, 2006: 267-268)

«According to the radio staff interviewed, the main distinction between web radio and conventional radio is the incorporation of interactive features into programming. Both interactive tools provided by BuZz, the archive and the chat box, were considered valuable by the staff of this programme.» (van Selm et al: 2006: 272) 

[EST ESTUDO, ENTREVISTANDO GENTE QUE TRABALHA NA RÁDIO E UTILIZADORES/OUVINTES, MOSTRA UMA GRANDE DIFERENÇA ENTRE AMBOS 273-274: «The above statements suggest a discrepancy between radio programme hosts and 'chatters' regarding the value assigned to interactions during the web shows. The focus group members expressed a degree of disappointment with the way in which the hosts incorporated the chat box into the web-based radio programme.» 274«This lack of enthusiasm for the contribution of chat box by programme hosts did not go unnoticed by listeners» 275)

«In summary, interactive media can facilitate two-way communication. It remains uncertain, however, whether radio programme hosts are adequately aware of the implications of programme hosts are adequately aware of the implications of this for their work. Their status as radio 'stars' is, in a sense, duced to that of facilitator or moderator of a website where lies are discussed and music played. » (van Selm, 275)

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