Transistor kills the radio star?

Aplicação a outras gerações

Uma das vantagens deste estudo com a geração iPod é que eles, não conhecendo a rádio (ou não tendo estabelecido uma relação duradoura com ela) não se sentem ligados a ela, não estranham as mudanças, as diferenças, a propria 'descaracterização'.

Mas como entender o mesmo relativamente a gerações pós-35 anos, aquelas que cresceram a ouvir rádio?

«(...) there was limited interest in becoming an active user of the interactive tools made available. Another possibly - yet to be verified - thought is that using a web radio site as a place from which music can be downloaded transforms the image of the site to that of a database with a specific content and, hence, strips the site of its identity as a radio station. Listeners of web radio may expect web radio to provide traditional radio programming along with the availability of a number of multimedia tools. This aspect is suggested by Lind, Medoff and Rarick (2001) in their study; they reported that listeners appreciated traditional radio functions as well as the new capabilities pro. provided by the Internet.» (van Selm, 2006: 273) 

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