Transistor kills the radio star?

Os conteúdos são sobretudo promocionais (e não interactivos)

(a rádio que resiste em tirar partido das potencialidades oferecidas pela net, nomeadamente a interactividade)

«Although large numbers of radio stations are now making use of the Internet, the nature of that use varies substantially. By far the primary use ofthe sites is for station-related promotional purposes. Based on a content analysis of the sites of commercial radio sites in the United States, Lind and Medoff (2000) report that nearly three-quarters of the sites they investigated contain promotional materials such as programming guides, profiles of staff and other forms of station information. Considerably fewer stations - between 10 and 25 percent - provide information related to news stories, sports and the weather. Contact with stations was for the most part arranged through e-mail links. Other forms of contact or feedback - listener surveys and registration forms, discussion groups and bulletin boards sessions - were organised by small fractions of the stations studied. No more than 15 percent of the sites examined by Lind and Medoff (2000) provide chat opportunities for listeners.» (van Selm et al, 2006: 267)

RESISTIR, a partir da rádio, em aderir: «The BuZz web radio staff, on the other hand, showed a reluctance to provide listeners with too much influence over programme content» (279-280) 

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