Transistor kills the radio star?

A presença de animadores (e vozes)

«Many radio stations have focused recently on ‘more music’, and less local presenter involvement - particularly the commercial radio operators. It seems a little peculiar to me that radio has taken away the main differentiator between it and my iPod: after all, my iPod plays a better choice of music that I can find anywhere on the radio. (.,..)There are millions of young people enjoying speech radio every day, though some might not think they’re listening to the radio; after all, a good bit of speech radio, prepackaged and made available as a download, is what most people call a ‘podcast’. I believe that radio’s future depends on great content. If programmers focus their attention at the bits between the records, and less slavishly on following their music testing, then we can ensure radio’s future. If radio is just to become a non-stop ‘music aggregator’, then and services like it will always do that job better (even if’s algorithms need rather a lot of work).»

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