Transistor kills the radio star?

Uma oportunidade para a rádio (a música)?

[confusão positiva ou negativa para a rádio?]

Roberts e Christenson perguntaram a um grupo de jovens (pré e universitários) que meio escolheriam para levar para uma ilha deserta, dando como opções um receptor de televisão, livros, videojogos, computador, jornais, gravador video e cassetes video, revistas, rádio e gravações musicais (e formas de as tocar). . Since radio is almost exclusively a music medium among adolescents, radio and recordings were combined into a single "music" category».  (Roberts, 2001: 395). A musica veio em primeiro lugar em todas as opções e combinações; a televisão em segundo. «More than 800/0 of :he total sample made music one of their first three choices, and music was the first choice or nearly half.»

We agree with Keith Roe that, "in terms of both the sheer amount of time devoted to it and the meanings assumes, it is music, not television, that is the most important medium for adolescents" (Roe, 1987,pp.215-216) (Roberts et al 2001: 395)

«It should also be noted that music-listening estimates based only on radio use (e.g., Brown et al., 1986; Brown et al, 1990; Greenberg, Ku, & Li, 1989; Lyle & Hoffman, 1972) will produce lower figures than those that include questions about CD and tape playback and time spent watching music videos» (397) 

«(...) most studies have a tendency to underestimate young people’s popular music listening. Music is often a secondary, backgroound activity appearing in the adolescent’s environment without any conscious decision to introduce it. (...) Obviously, music’s tendency to slip between foreground and background raises questions about what kind of "listening" should be counted as true exposure» (397)   (USADO EM GERAÇÂO IPOD)

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