Transistor kills the radio star?

As necessidades dos jovens e a pirâmide de Maslow

«In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs -- that we studied in psych class -- it begins with the basics at the bottom of a pyramid. For example, physiological needs like breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, etc are basic needs before the others can be possible on top of these.

Let’s see what happens when the next generation’s media needs (as I observe them) are plugged into Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs:

Physiological = Computer (the basis of media life itself)
Safety = Cell Phone (provides security in actuality and in social life)
Love/Belonging = Facebook (friendship, community, sexual playfulness)
Self-Esteem = iPod (respect for music, respect for other’s music)
Self-Actualization = YouTube (creativity, spontaneity)»

Jerry Del Colliano, Music Inside Media, Gen Y’s Media Hierarchy of Needs 10/04/08

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