Transistor kills the radio star?

Pistas para o futuro da rádio

«Some have argued that the answer is Internet radio. So how does terrestrial radio respond? By streaming their radio feeds online. This is not the future. Developing new content for the Internet -- including new radio content -- could be the answer and yet few radio companies will spend the money or hire the talent to do so.
Can you imagine where a consolidator like Clear Channel would be today if when they closed on its 1,100th radio station they also decided to invest in 1,100 more "stations" -- totally new, totally different -- with podcasting and social networking options -- online. (...) Radio broadcasters are the best providers of content on this earth.

They're just providing it in the wrong place to reach future audiences.

Radio broadcasters can do more than format programming.

The next generation needs prolific podcasts on a myriad of subjects.

The Internet is a delivery system.

Radio is a content business»

Radio vs. The Internet Inside Music Media, 8/04/08

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