Transistor kills the radio star?

Mais de metade dos jovens 12-17 dos EUA produzem conteúdos

«More than half of all online teens who go online create content for the internet. Among internet-using teens, 57% (or 50% of all teens, roughly 12 million youth) are what might be called Content Creators. They report having done one or more of the following content- creating activities: create a blog; create a personal webpage; create a webpage for school, a friend, or an organization; share original content they created themselves online; or remix content found online into a new creation.» fonte: Amanda Lenhart e Mary Madden,Teen Content Creators and Consumers, Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2005, pag 1

«Overall, one-third (33%) of online teens report sharing their own artwork, photos, stories, or videos with others via the internet.» (pag 2)

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