Transistor kills the radio star?

Há diferenças entre os teens(13-18) e os tweens (8-12)

«the study, “Kids on the Go: Mobile Usage by U.S. Teens and Tweens,” includes “insights from more than 5,500 teens and tweens and dissects how these demographic segments are engaging with mobile and traditional media.”

"In addition to the differences between adult and youth media consumers, there's an important gap between the media behaviors of teens and tweens," said Herrmann. "This report, which includes insights from more than 5,500 teens and tweens, dissects how these demographic segments are engaging with mobile and traditional media."

Teens vs. Tweens
• 48% of tweens spend less than one hour per day online, and the majority use online for gaming.
• 81% of teens spend more than one hour per day online, and the main usage is for email.

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