Transistor kills the radio star?

«Mas ainda é rádio?»

The final question may be - but will it still be radio? Predominately it will be an audio service, which will sound and be experienced much like all radio – in the mind because audio content remains the easiest content to absorb in a mobile environment – or in the midst of parallel activities, like driving. But it will be augmented by data and visuals and we will see hybrids emerge where the lines are completely fused. Arte, a TV channel in Europe now has a web-based radio service, several key newspapers now have a ‘radio’ like service online – re-positioning content back and forth in different forms – for different media. We probably have not yet found words for the hybrids that will come – television on mobile is already with us and being tagged mobTV - while podcasts on mobiles are being tagged mobcasting. The clay is still forming – the names are still being cast. Our difficulty now is to keep describing, and naming, the changes as the speed of convergence accelerates» (Shaw, 2005: 21)

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