Por que é que as rádios devem ter videos na sua pagina
A propósito de um estudo Pew:
«57 million Americans watch online video content every day. That's 19% of American adult Internet users. Americans between ages 18-29 are the most video-voracious; 31% of them watch online videos every day. What are American adults watching? News, primarily, followed by comedy, movies or TV, music and surprisingly (to some, I imagine) commercials! 13% of American adults report they have downloaded or watched video ads. The upshot of Pew's report is that word of mouth figures prominently in the spread of online video: Two out of three viewers ages 18-29 send links to video files, compared with half of Americans age 30 and older. Forty-two percent of the 18-29 year-olds send video links a few times per month or more. »
fonte: «Why everyone wants a viral video», Church of Customer, 26/07/07
Mark Ramsey dá o exemplo de uma rádio com um canal de vídeo on line nos EUA
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