Transistor kills the radio star?

Mais do que o conteúdo, o contexto

Ideias retiradas do texto «Web Content Models Need Context»,, Tony Ware, April 20, 2007 , e ditas por Shen Tong, presidente da VFinity («Business success on the Web is dependent on mastering not just content but context»):

 - « the most challenging and important question for media business (...)  refers to massive growing interactivity.»

- «everything — from the Amazon model of users reviewing products and users rating reviews to actual internal production — will become a network of harnessing context tools and tags»

- «Now the key is in the filters, he said. Customers desire a self-service, self-correcting mechanism more than a dictated product. Manufacturers need to take note, offering a context-centric strategy with flexible metadata. Customers will dictate valuable content. “Gatekeepers are dead,” Tong said, stressing people as an integration point of creativity, community and software. “It’s not about how you can protect content, it’s about how easy you can get content to the context aggregate system.”»

- «“The power of social networking is available to everyone; it is not a threat,” Tong said.

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