Transistor kills the radio star?

Indústria musical vai cobrar à rádio?

de acordo com esta previsão da eMarketeer, as receitas físicas da indústria musical vão continuar em queda («Sales of CDs, which currently account for 55% of the industry's total revenues, will continue to decline sharply, falling to 29% of the overall business by 2011»). Para compensar, haverá novas receitas. À custa da rádio?

«(...)The question on the minds of everyone in the recording industry, however, is: Will the digital segment compensate for the losses in physical sales? The answer is a qualified "no."  "Nevertheless, growth in other sectors will make up for the shortfall in CD sales," says Mr. Verna, "resulting in net growth for the industry as a whole." That growth will come predominantly from online and mobile music, the live concert industry and the licensing of music for public performances, commercials, TV shows, films and video games.» (The Music Industry Enters Uncharted Territory, MAY 9, 2007)

Mark Ramsey não tem dúvidas: «Note that reference to the licensing of music. That's at the heart of the streaming rate hike controversy currently on every Internet radio station's front burner. And that also explains why, I believe, the music industry will soon be knocking on traditional radio's door looking for a much bigger slice of the pie. When it's content you own, distribution is key. And distribution is acquired via licensing (unless, of course, you own the distribution, too). The future of the music industry is, in part, to sell its wares to licensees who value that content more than the folks who steal it via P2P»

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