Transistor kills the radio star?

As vendas de música digital continuam a subir

«Sales of digitally distributed music rose about 80 percent worldwide in 2006 but failed to make up for falling sales of compact discs, a trade group said Wednesday. The record industry generated nearly $2 billion in revenue from online and mobile device sales last year, up from $1.1 billion in 2005, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. But the pace of growth slowed from 2005, when digital sales tripled. John Kennedy, chief executive of the group, which is based in London, stuck with a previous forecast that digital sales would make up 25 percent of the industry’s revenue by 2010. But his prediction a year ago that digital sales would cover the decline in CD sales in 2006 fell slightly short. Overall music revenue probably declined by about 3 percent last year, he said. “This is a market combining evolution and revolution, where the learning curve is changing direction on a regular basis,” Mr. Kennedy said»

fonte: New York Times online, «Digital Music Up 80% but Shy of Lost Revenue», ERIC PFANNER, January 18, 2007

OU: «Vendas de música digital sobem 89%»

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