Transistor kills the radio star?

Jovens e (pouca) publicidade

«Younger listeners are most likely to respond positively to fewer commercials. As we have observed throughout this study, younger listeners say they are more “annoyed” by the amount of commercials. However, they are also the most likely to respond positively to radio stations that play noticeably fewer commercials. Over one-third of listeners ages 12 to 24 are already aware of stations playing fewer and shorter commercial breaks. When asked if they would listen to their favorite radio station more if it played a certain fewer number of commercials per hour, listeners ages 12 to 24 were much more likely than older listeners to respond that they would listen to the station more. A spot load strategy of fewer commercials is more likely to find fertile ground among younger listeners. (...)

Owners of iPods and other portable MP3 players are more likely to find radio commercials to be intrusive. One in six respondents in this survey own an iPod® or another portable MP3 player. These MP3 player owners are more likely to say that radio commercials are “always” or “usually” intrusive (34%) than are those who do not own a portable MP3 player (24%). This group is more likely to be younger, and, as we have seen throughout this survey, younger radio listeners are more likely to have their amount of listening affected by commercials. However, as we have seen in our most recent survey, Internet and Multimedia 2005, the time spent listening to radio per day reported by owners of iPods and other portable MP3 players is only slightly less than average.»

fonte: «Spot Load Study 2005:Managing Radio Commercial Inventoriesfor Advertisers and Listeners», Arbitron/Edison Media Research Spot Load Study 2005:

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