Transistor kills the radio star?

Lançar música no MySpace e escrever na página

(não é só aproveitar a página para lançar uma nova música; é também aproveitar a página para escrever e comunicar com os fãs)

«Former Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker has released his first solo track on the internet. "Running The World" can now be heard on Cocker's MySpace page. The song was written a year ago on the night of the Live 8 concert."It's in no way critical of Geldof and co. but I remember thinking at the time: 'Where does engaging with these politicians/businessmen really get you?' — (12 months on & the cunts still haven't paid up as far as I can make out) — maybe the problem is something more… fundamental," Cocker writes on his MySpace page."Anyway, what do I know? I'm just a pampered rock star — but at least I think it's good to discuss this stuff. Don't you? Let me know what you think."(...)

fonte: «Jarvis Cocker Is Running The World With Solo Track», Wednesday July 05, 2006, Staff

2 comentarios

maria aparecida rocha santos -

gostaria de lançar as musicas hinos do meu CD eva
ngelico por favor obrigada CIDA ROCHA

hildson -

Oi eu sou Hilds e tenho 25 anos