Transistor kills the radio star?

O podcasting é inimigo da rádio porque retira tempo de audição

A propósito deste texto do Radio Inside («Does podcasting cut into radio time? A new report finds the answer is yes. 38% of active podcast downloaders say they’re listening to radio less often (according to a report by Nielsen). The survey of 1,700 people also finds that more than 6% of adults — or about nine million web users — have downloaded a podcast in the past 30 days. The average time spent listening to podcasts is 44 minutes. Many stations have begun offering ad-supported podcasts but the challenge is to get folks to listen to the ads. 60% of those in the Nielsen study say they always fast forward past commercials. Women (67%) are more likely to skip ads. The other gender factor — 75% of those who described themselves as regular podcast downloaders were male.), Mark Ramsey afirma:

«Podcast listeners skip past commercials? Duh. Ever heard of TiVo? Of course they skip past commercials. But why would you have commercials on a podcast when you could have the entire podcast sponsored by a client and thus elminate the need for annoying commercials? Or use "sponsored by" messages the way public radio does. You only skip what drags on, what's annoying enough and long enough to skip. You don't skip what flashes by. Fast spots or sponsorship messages are far more trouble to skip than they are to listen through. It's HOW advertisers use podcasts - not whether thair traditional ads will be listened to - that is key. And that doesn't even begin to touch on the relevance of those ads to the listeners of the podcast. Indeed, the problem with advertising in general is a preference for tonnage over relevance - but that's another post for another time.»

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