Transistor kills the radio star?

Agências de publicidade substituem rádio por áudio

Sinal dos tempos...

«Natalie Swed Stone, US Director of National Radio Investment at OMD, announced that her agency was adopting the term "audio" to reflect the direction they believe the "radio" market is headed. Matt Feinberg, Senior VP and Director of Interactive Broadcast for Zenith Media, said that he agreed with Ms. Swed Stone's argument. "We realized a couple years ago that [this industry] is more than radio," Feinberg said. "The lines are so blurry that no one knows where to go and what to do. If you try to define it by traditional styles, you'll go insane." "Changing the name from radio to audio is more all encompassing and I think its a move in the right direction," Feinberg added.
Swed Stone predicted that the traditional defintion of "radio" will soon be a component part of this new "audio" designation. "By the way, ' radio' isn't a cool word," Swed Stone somewhat triumphantly noted to the audience. "'Audio' is a cooler word."

fonte: «ad agencies dropping radio for audio as industry shifts», RAIN, 26/5/06,

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