Transistor kills the radio star?

Ouvintes digitais prometem continuar a ouvir AM/FM

«An Arbitron/Edison Media Research study has found that three-quarters of the “digital radio” audience predict they will continue listening the same amount to AM/FM radio. Seventy-seven percent of respondents said they expect to listen to AM/FM radio as much as they do now despite increasing advancements in technology. The same holds true for Internet radio listeners and those who have tried audio podcasting.

Satellite radio subscribers showed slightly less dedication to traditional broadcasting, with 64% saying they expect to continue listening to the same amount of AM/FM radio.

Additionally, AM/FM radio does not appear to be losing Time Spent Listening to the new digital radio platforms».

fonte: «Most Will Continue Listening To AM/FM Radio», Radio Ink, May 24, 2006

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