Transistor kills the radio star?

Industria discografica processa XM

por causa dos novos aparelhos da XM (e da Sirius) que gravam a emissão e a transformam de imediato em ficheiros mp3 - com a oferta musical do satelite, estes aparelhos tornam-se melhores do que um iPod...

«"As has been widely reported, the four major record labels have filed a copyright infringement suit against XM Radio, based on the recording capabilities included in certain recently-introduced XM receivers, such as the Pioneer Inno and Samsung Helix. [Read previous RAIN coverage here.]

"The complaint [PDF] makes it clear that the RIAAcompanies are gunning not just for XM, but for all innovators. [A] summary of the claims, many of which reach well beyond the borders of established copyright jurisprudence.»

fonte RAIN, 19/5/06,

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