O HD continua a despertar dúvidas
Este texto faz um ponto da situação: «Durante quanto tempo a janela de oportunidade se manterá aberta para a rádio IBOC/HD?»
«Silicon Valley has the highest percentage of high-tech gadgetheads in the United States, and they have oodles of disposable income. But there seems to be absolutely no consumer interest in IBOC/HD radio among those gadgetheads.
The linked article above repeats a common mistake made by IBOC/HD boosters; it assumes the lack of IBOC/HD receivers in retail stores is somehow the fault of the stores. The possibility that IBOC/HD is simply not attractive to consumers, and therefore retailers, is never considered-----the ramifications of that possibility are just too awful for IBOC/HD supporters to contemplate.
Even Radio World, long a reliable booster of IBOC/HD, is starting to panic a little bit. There is a forced attempt to be hip by describing IBOC/HD radio as "the bling of terrestrial radio," but the article once again treats IBOC/HD as a technical issue instead of grasping it is compelling content----or lack of it----that will determine the fate of IBOC/HD.
People are also starting to recognize the interference problems caused by IBOC/HD might be greater than previously supposed; the Corporation for Public broadcasting is seeking participants for a study of IBOC/HD interference (thanks to Glenn Hauser and his World of Radio site for this info).»
fonte: «How Much Longer Will The Window Of Opportunity Be Open For IBOC/HD Radio?», 8/5/06, Harry Helms
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