Transistor kills the radio star?

Música na internet - criar a nossa rádio (Rhapsody)

Corey Deitz fala no serviço da Raphsody, um dos mais conhecidos dos EUA, mas de que nunca falei.

Por isso, aqui vai:

«If you’d like 100 radio stations to choose from and would also like the option of creating your own customized streams, then Rhapsody might be your music service. No matter your mood, you can always have just the right sound for your work or leisure with the various options from Rhapsody. The free Rhapsody software allows you to also build your music library, share your playlists with others in the Rhapsody music sharing community, burn custom CDs, transfer it to your digital devices and more. Sharing playlists is one of the most interesting features of Rhapsody. You can browse by genre, celebrity picks, theme/holiday mixes, decade mixes, single artist mixes, and label spotlights. At a cost of $9.99 per month you have access to over 1,000,000 music tracks to play and share. A 14-day free trial is available. (Sign Up Directly) It’s not quite Satellite Radio but, it is about $3.00 less per month than XM and SIRIUS and you don’t have to buy any special equipment. You should know that XM Satellite Radio does offer 75 channels online for $7.99 per month compared to Rhapsody's 100 channels for $9.99. Compare the channels offered by each one to make your best decision».

fonte: «Rhapsody: Diverse Like Satellite Radio, Only Cheaper» 

1 comentario

Edgard Costa -

Já falei dele algumas vezes, inclusive contigo. O defeito que tem, neste momento, é que se restringe aos EUA. Ainda não se internacionalizou como o iTunes.

Edgard Costa