Transistor kills the radio star?

«Internet Radio Station of the Year»

Uma análise ao que está a fazer a Indie 103.1, considerada pela Plug como a estação de rádio na internet do ano.

De acordo com o boletim RAIN, que alerta para esta rádio, ela conjuga muito bem a emissão FM com o webcasting, aprofundando no site assuntos que não são explorados no hertz. O próprio site na net já é disso exemplo, dando voz aos ouvintes, através do blogue.

Alguns execertos do texto de DANIEL MCSWAIN:

«Indie 103.1 doesn't really fit in. As an FM broadcast, Indie 103.1 represents what some might call a bold programming move. It's multi-format approach provides a very broad, albeit slightly unfocused, swath of musical genres, personalities, and weekly shows. Indie 103.1's website, home to the online webcast of their FM signal, takes those unfocused tendencies and converts them into a very engaging and feature-filled digital media depot.»

«In addition to streaming, Indie 103.1's site features podcasts, digital downloads, videos and photos of DJ's and events that cover every page of the site. The site's player is basic but sleek, and listeners can tune in using external software or the self-contained web player (pictured right). One of the site's most popular features is a section of downloadable,  quasi-legal "mash-ups", tracks created by grafting constituent parts of dissimilar tunes into one mutant song.»

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