Transistor kills the radio star?

Ensinar a mexer com o mp3

É uma loja norte-americana que promove uma campanha didáctica:

"outlets like Circuit City are now hoping to hammer home the value proposition to maximize sales. The electronics chain just announced their "MP3s Made Simple" initiative, which aims to help consumers through concepts like device selection, downloading music, ripping CDs, and managing playlists. The store already has tutorials and information online, and is planning to position associates throughout its stores to demystify the buying process. Circuit City is selling a wide range of MP3 players, including iPods."

4 comentarios

Jordan Flight 45 -

Your weblog is so cool that I like it pretty substantially. As anyone understands respect is by far the most essential amongst people's life. Only respect each other to get along properly and I believe that leaving one's opinion is often a behavior of respect.

Mariana -

Eu ganhei um mp3 da minha mãe rosa e eu naum sei ir no menu e nada me ajudaaa


bruuna -

eu coloquei várias pastas e elas estão com uns nomes estranhos, que diz que é ilegível pra apagar! alguém pode me ajudar a apagar? Não tenho mais espaço no meu mp3!!! que puder me ajudar é so me adc no msn:

William -

Nao sei mexer num MP3,Num sei baixar musicas nele eu keria q vc me ensina-se tudo ...