Transistor kills the radio star?

Morreu o podcasting, viva o microcasting?

A palavra podcasting sempre teve alguns inimigos, que defendem que se está a promover o iPod da Apple. Tentaram algumas alternativas (audiocasting até me parece uma boa solução) mas eis que chega uma alternativa, baseada já não na ligação ao aparelho branco mas à evolução do próprio conceito de podcasting quer em termos técnicos quer conceptuais:

"On the technical side, Microcasting by definition includes; all ‘rich’ media (audio, video and applications) syndicated across any device and platform; whether it be a PC, PDA or cell-phone. And although Ipods are still the most popular form of portable digital audio players, Microcasts are compatible with ANY digital audio player, as well as a growing range of portable video players now entering the market.

From the conceptual side, Microcasting is the ability to provide a more finely-tuned specialization of content on a program-by-program basis rather than a channel-by-channel basis. The program is delivered ‘one-to-one’ rather than ‘one-to-many’ which is the foundation of broadcasting or narrowcasting. It uses one of the primary benefits of IP communications … the ability to succinctly communicate from one device to another.”

Falta saber se é uma tentativa ou a palavra pega.

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