Transistor kills the radio star?

O telemóvel vai ser o rádio do futuro?

Há quem defenda que sim ("next-generation mobile phones are going to become the most important future delivery platforms for audio material, even eventually supplanting terrestrial radio as the medium of choice for listeners", diz Harry Helms, do Future of Radio), mas também quem ache que não.

Um deles é Jeff Duntemann, que - no seu diário on line (24/10/05) culpa as empresas de telemóveis, no caso norte-americanas - pela incapacidade em desenvolver o mercado: "I have a very capable phone, but the carrier will do almost anything to keep me from connecting it to my computer and playing around with its advanced features. Furthermore, the audio quality is still hideous, and this is what, 2005? I’ve given up on flying cars, but sheesh, I’d have expected CD-quality cellphone communication by now."

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