Transistor kills the radio star?

O tempo passado no carro

55 minutos ao volante (EUA)

September 21, 2005

Tied to listening to the same stations for the most part, data gathered over the last five years reveal little change in where people listen to the radio. The lone shift here has been a steady climb in car listening over the past five years. Why? The most likely explanation is cultural. People are driving more. Data from the Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics indicate that the average driver spends 55 minutes behind the wheel every day“. (nota: 2. The statistics bureau does not have trend data on this figure. But its data do indicate that that 87 percent of people use their personal vehicle, as opposed to public transportation or some other mode of travel, when making daily travel. Daily travel, as the bureau defines it, includes commuting, shopping and errands and social or recreational trips (visiting friends, relatives, etc.). )

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